Automatic Door Mats Make a great first and last impression
Larco Automated Door Mats are designed for high traffic areas and can withstand loads up to 3,000 psi. They’re ISO 9000 certified to be reliable for years of operation. Choose from a full spectrum of colors and sizes, with custom logo capabilities.

Durable Design for Heavy Traffic
Heavy-duty assembly built to withstand the impact and loads as much as 3,000 psi, designed for heavy traffic areas and equipment.

Totally Submersible & Non-Slip
Hermetically molded in a thick, seamless proprietary vinyl, Larco mats are impervious to fluids and suitable for even the harshest industrial environments.

Standard Mats
Larco mats come in many standard sizes, including replacements for all major automatic door manufacturers. Custom shapes and sizes are also available to fit your specific needs.
We offer a variety of colors in addition to the standard black and brown. Four different edge styles are available

Aluminum Mat Trim
Designed to withstand even the harshest environments, including heavy traffic, Larco mat trims offer a durable and reliable way to install any automatic door mat.
- Durable construction designed to take punishment from moving equipment, carts, and other high-traffic objects
- Attractive finish with several options to choose from
- Available in stock lengths or in customized packages designed to accommodate specific mat sizes and installations

Custom Mats
You can customize your mat to incorporate your brand or style. Informational messages and company store or greeting logos can be added to any Larco mat. Larco has a variety of standard emblems, including directional arrow and the international "do not enter" symbol. Custom colors can be mixed to your color taste.
Call (800) 523-6996 for more details or send us an email.
Call (800) 523-6996 for more details or send us an email.