Safety Mats
Documents (14)
In the Manufacturing Innovation Theater, a sculpted white fiberglass Ford F-150 appears on top of a four-foot tall main stage, in between two full-size production robots to re-create the factory experience. Safety is Ford’s number one priority, so the company wanted to install safety mats on the floor between the main stage and secondary stage where guests are seated.
In foundries, danger is everywhere.
A 2013 study conducted by Allsup, a provider of Social Security disability insurance, found that foundries ranked third among the most dangerous jobs in the United States. This white paper describes how one foundry increased production up-time by replacing heavy metal safety switch plates with Larco Industrial Safety Mats.
Topics & FAQs (8)
Larco mats are available in a number of color options. Standard mat colors are black or yellow. Other colors are available for an additional charge, including brown, grey, blue, red and other custom colors. Larco can also create colored-inset logo designs or signage. Contact the factory for options.
Larco mats are designed to withstand load capacities of 3000 PSI. If forklift traffic is expected, Larco suggests the uses of the 2-1/2" ramp trim extrusion (#211926) which has a more heavy duty design as compared to the standard 2" ramp trim extrusion (#219033).
2-1/2" ramp trim extrusion2" ramp trim extrusion
#211926 #219033.
Recommended Cleaners:
Most good quality industrial cleaners/degreasers are acceptable. NOTE: cleaning solutions that contain phosphates, chlorine, organic solvents or mineral spirits should NOT be used.Be sure to read and follow all manufacturers’ directions, recommendations, warnings and proper disposal procedures for all cleaning solutions.Wear all recommended safety equipment.
Pressure Washing:
Remove any loose debris from the mat surface before beginning the cleaning process.Use a flat fan spray nozzle with a pattern angle of 15 degrees or larger.Keep spray distance 12 inches (305 mm) or more away from the mat surface.Spray pressure should not exceed 1,500 psi (103.4 Bar)Water temperature should not exceed 190o F (88o C)Keep the spray pattern moving; do not concentrate it in one location for an extended period of time.Heavily soiled mats should be pre-soaked for 10 minutes with the mixed cleaning solution. Areas can be brushed with a hand utility brush.When cleaning is completed, rinse with clean water.
Steam Cleaning:
Use the same operating recommendations as shown in the pressure washing cleaning section
Good Cleaning Practices Should be Utilized During Cleaning Operations
Wear safety glasses and all recommended safety gear.Install safety signs indicating wet floors.Install safety barriers where required.Turn off required electrical connections.Cover all equipment that can be damaged by cleaning.Be sure the area is completely dry before removing safety barriers and signs and restoring electrical connections.
For general instructions on care of your Larco mat, refer to the Installation and Care of Larco Mats Instructions.
For detailed safety mat system instructions, reference the Installation, Use and Maintenance Guide Instructions.
Typical trim kits used in the automatic door industry are comprised of three (3) pieces of aluminum extrusion that have been mitered at the corners for a clean fit. Each piece is pre-drilled and countersunk - ready for installation. The kits also include stainless steel screws with anchors to hold them securely.
Larco can modify any of the standard mat sizes at time of manufacturing to create an unlimited number of "custom" mat sizes and shapes. Fully customized lengths and/or widths as well as engineered notches, angles and radiuses are available on any of our mats. Contact the factory to discuss your design requirements.
You can place any number of Larco mats side by side to obtain whatever length you desire. The only thing you are required to do is to remove the lock lip edge from each mat where any two mats are joined together.
You then must place a piece of Active Joiner extrusion #230010 under that seam which guarantees a 100% active seam where the two mats are joined.

Remove Lock Lip Edge Active Joiner extrusion #230010 shown under two mats
Any number of Larco mats can be installed side-by-side to obtain any dimensions required. To join mats effectively the lock lip edge is removed from each mat where any two mats are joined together, and a section of Active Joiner extrusion #230010 is placed under that seam. Joining mats in this way guarantees a 100% "active" seam.
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